以前写linux bash脚本,常常都是瞎蒙的状态。开发流程都是:先去google搜,然后去抄一段代码,然后肉眼review,然后运行观察效果。根据运行结果来看脚本是否正确。如果再高级一点就是辅助详细的echo 进行log输出。 于是不禁反问?可有调试bash脚本的工具和方法,这样用调试的方式去运行脚本,逐步的看每一个语句的运行结果,岂不是很爽? 结果还真找到了。在vscode中搜索插件bash debug。即可。 PS: win10下面需要安装wsl,然后在vscode里面安装一个wsl...
如何修复:git bash WARNING: terminal is not fully functional
For Git Bash, this can be fixed by adding the following line to ~/.bashrc: export TERM=cygwin -or- export TERM=msys The first seems to be the original by git for wind...
log for linux bash command
Unless a command has output or logging already configured, rc.local commands will not log anywhere. If you want to see logs for specific commands, try redirecting the stdout and stderr for rc.localto somewhere you can check. Try adding this to...